Friday, September 21, 2007

Stepping Out

Stepping out, what does that really mean? I have been stepping out of myself all week. Does it mean not the norm for you or does it mean to have fun? My week has been the first. The teen years are here. Not only do I have to figure that out but how does a stepparent handle it. I love my son (Trevor-stepson). These times of trial sure have a person question did I do everything right? I think I did, so is the problem just the fact that I am an easy target. I turned to Psalms 23 during this time. It is a comfort. "The Lord is my Shepard" I had to memorize this as a child. Now as an adult I understand he will take care of me. I have to remember at these times He is here not away from me. I also have been dealing with all the other feels. I feel abandoned by my sister and brother. I am still recovering from knee surgery and the question do I the other knee? And just hormones of life. So , here I go Stepping out of my comfort zone and into life.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Place for my thoughts

I am new to blogging. I have read a few and now my Mom is blogging. This may be a great place for my thoughts. It seems there are more and more floating around in my head. Maybe I will sleep better if they are out and not all floating around in there. I am 34 an dit seems my life gets more and more crazy. I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, employee, and volunteer. somedays I feel I get nothing done. Lately I feel I have lost focus. I know I need to take time for me and the Lord. When do I fit it in? How do I become a better mom? Am I a good wife? Why can't I conect with my sister and brother? How do I improve my health? Sometimes it feels if I can't answer just one of these questions then why try any of them. I want anwers to them all, NOW. I am sure ther are more. So, the big question is where do I start? Time with God! I know this is the key and it seems I can't reach it. I love my family and friends that is why I want to be the best at all. I am going to try to reach the key.